
Business Success
I am regularly asked all sorts of questions relating to business success. Having owned a few successful businesses, a fair few failures and currently being focused on an online only business model. Over the next few months and when I get round to it I'll add in my recommendations for the tools we use. Off the top of my head there are about a dozen paid tools we use and there are 5 or 6 training programs I'll be happy to recommend when I find the time to write about them. So if you are interested in online business success, then keep an eye out for them in the 'irregular' newsletters.


A Little Business History

I started in business in 1991 and at one stage had several businesses and employed over 100 full time staff... After making millions as a property investor in 2002 I decided that I didn't like business so came out of it. But within a couple of years I was at it again and built another offline business with partners from zero to being valued for over £17 million in under 3 years...

But in 2004 I was introduced to the magic of working online... I discovered you could work online from home and be paid for it. This was somewhat of a revelation to me and in 2005 I decided to commit to working online within the next few years. By 2008 I emigrated to Cyprus as I could now work fully online.

My main business collapsed as did my property investments in 2009. So in 2010 I got to begin again more intelligently... Having nearly made the mistake of building a big business again, I was fortunate enough to notice I was heading in the wrong direction before starting the business. This gave me the option of looking again and I found what I wanted to do with my life, and for me it is the perfect business, as I designed it around only doing what I love.

I am in the information business, and I sell solutions.

Mainly it involves online work and despite having had massive success with online businesses in 2006, 07, 08... All of these successes were as a direct result of working with two exceptional business partners. Sure I did my part, but it was their genius which ensured we made millions in sales.

In 2010 I decided that I wanted to master the skill of working online, in the same way as I mastered property investing and some key elements of offline business. So I set out on a voyage of discovery. What this showed me is that there are some good guys out there... But mainly the people are not sharing much of value, but instead are hyping it up.

Currently I am in the foundation side of setting up my online empire and there is significant work required before I commence the success bit. I work with my friend Phil and we have 10 full time outsourcers in the Philippines we work with, we also work with a team of software designers in India.

One of the many ways I make money is by recommending products I have found which work to my database of subscribers. These products are from my own research, or I have been approached to recommend something. Basically I don't recommend something unless I or an extremely trusted friend is using it. As if I recommend something then it is my reputation on the line and I look at my database of subscribers as if they are family members... So would I recommend anything bad to a family member? No of course not... Not even a particular obnoxious member ;-)

So anything I recommend in my reviews below can be found by searching the companies name online and that way I won't receive any remuneration for recommending it. I tell you this to assure you that I only will recommend tools we use that work. The money I make from this is a bonus and not my primary reason for doing it.

My primary reason is to share what I have discovered and help those on my mailing list emulate my success instead of falling into some of the potholes which have caught me.

As I write my new upcoming newsletters I'll be adding one of these tools each time, or maybe sooner if the mood takes me. There's no direct link from the site to this page as the site is focused on personal success and business success is my hobby really. So this page and the articles can only be accessed via the newsletter articles. 

To your success


If you have a question for me then please click here

Business Success Resources:
Link Building The Easy Way