
SHOCKING RESULTS Are You Stuck In Life? Tricky Questions OVERWHELMING PROOF Early Bird Details


I asked my Bug Free Readers to take an in-depth survey and I will be sharing the initial results over the next few days, plus answering some of the readers key questions... But here's the first few initial shocking results...

Is Inspiration what you need from life?

If inspiration is what you are after then here is the response I got when I asked my Bug Free Mind readers....

Do you feel inspired now?

A whopping 86.3% of Bug Free readers say they feel inspired now, just 3.9% say no, and just 9.8% say they have had no change...

And remember that 25.8% are on their very first read through...

So this number will improve, it will not get worse!

Would you like a book on self help that doesn't make it to the shelf before you read it?

If you would love another journey into the self help world but are worried that you will not actually read A Bug Free Mind then here is the response I got when I asked my Bug Free Mind readers....

Have you begun to read or listen to Creating A bug Free Mind yet?

PLEASE NOTE: Before looking at them though please bear in mind:-

That the industry giants like Bob Proctor and Tony Robbins state openly that with virtually all self-improvement products that only 1% is ever read, let alone actioned upon...

An amazing 92.2% have started reading...

So over 90% of readers actually begun to read and DID NOT make this another SHELF-HELP book!

But my original intent was to get 99.99% so there is a small room for improvement with the new versions!

I am sure you'd agree this is somewhat better though than the average for the self-help industry...

Out of the 7.8% who hadn't begun...

5.5% told me that they are planning to read it soon or within the next 3 months and just 2.3% haven't actually planned when they will begin reading or listening...

That is simply staggering!

But there's more shocking results than that...

Would you like to find a book that was so good you read it again and again and again?

How much value do you feel such a book would bring to your life?

Can I ask you how many times do you re-read a book?

You don't right? Or rarely at best, why is that?

Because if reading a book once is hard enough then how often and how many times would you re-read the same book?

I asked this question to A Bug Free Mind readers:

If you have begun reading or listening to them then... How many times have you read or listened to Creating A Bug Free Mind?

This result means that an astonishing 69.5% of Bug Free readers are on at least their 2nd read through!

37.5% of Bug Free Mind readers have read it AT LEAST TWICE and are on their 3rd read!

It makes me very happy when a great many readers tell me they will be reading it for the rest of their lives!

...And a shocking 2.3% of Bug Free readers are on their 9th+ read through!

Yes... You read that right, over 2% of readers have read this over 9 times

Does this result not shock you?

Personally I have NEVER heard of ANY self-help book getting this kind of result and I have been reading books and studying this industry for 8 years now.

So why do you think people are forgoing reading all of the other books there are out there and instead are just re-reading A Bug Free Mind again and again?

Could it be that they have found the information they have been searching for since first picking up a self-help book?

Can you imagine what it would feel like to want to read a book that many times?

Have you read countless self-help books, enjoyed the read, but just... NOT MADE PROGRESS?

I asked my Bug Free Mind readers if they would agree with the statement:-

A Bug Free Mind is the Secret to Progress...

The Bug Free readers said:-

Only 79.4% said that they agreed with that statement... So still some room for improvement, but then I still have 25.8% on their first read through!

(I think the results would be somewhat better if I had just surveyed people on the 2nd read+)

BUT these results will undoubtedly improve... Thanks to all the hundreds of finely tuned improvements I have made to the Bug Free Process...

Which will be available to a very limited number of non-book buyers in a pre-sale offer later this week.

If you have been considering getting going with the Bug Free Mind Process... Then later this week I will be offering you the chance of buying them ahead of the launch in September, and I'll be offering some cool bonuses for FAST action takers... So don't miss out, join my Early Bird notification list right now:-

Be on this list if you want to be notified ahead of other potential readers!
Meaning you have a chance at getting
There are going to be limited
copies available in the pre-sale...
And I PROMISE you,
that you WILL want a chance at these
I'm giving away!
Be on this list if you want to be notified ahead of other potential readers!
Meaning you have a chance at getting The FAST MOVER BONUSES
There are going to be limited
copies available in the pre-sale...
And I PROMISE you,
that you WILL want a chance at the
I'm giving away!